Plate-Fin Kettle Exchanger

PFV – Brazed Aluminum Plate Fin in Vessel



The CoreWorks custom-designed Plate-fin Kettle (PFK) exploits all the benefits of a CryoCore® brazed aluminum heat exchanger (BAHX) and integrates it into a kettle reboiler design.


Available Materials: Aluminum, CS, SS

Typical Applications: Cryogenic Processes, High Efficiency Chillers,LNG, Gas NGL Recovery

Min Temp: -454°F

Max Temp: 400°F

Max Pressure: 1400 psig Shell side
2000 psig CryoCore side

Design Codes Available: ASME, PED (Provided by partner), GB (Provided by partner), ALPEMA, API-662


Product Brochure: Download PDF